File #: 25-0120    Version: 1
Type: Consent Agenda Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/12/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider and take action approving Change Order 1 increasing the contract by $389,603.96 for the Cache Rd Waterline 36-inch Project PU2302, for a total adjusted contract price of $15,977,729.35 and adding an additional 90-days to the contract time.
Attachments: 1. Change Order 01 PU2302, 2. Engineer's Recommendation
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Consider and take action approving Change Order 1 increasing the contract by $389,603.96 for the Cache Rd Waterline 36-inch Project PU2302, for a total adjusted contract price of $15,977,729.35 and adding an additional 90-days to the contract time.
INITIATOR: Rusty Whisenhunt, Director of Public Utilities

STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Rusty Whisenhunt, Director of Public Utilities

BACKGROUND: On November 16, 2021, Council entered a contract with Jacobs Engineering for the design and engineering of the Cache Road Waterline Replacement Project and on March 22, 2022, approved Amendment No. 1 to the contract. This project includes the replacement of approximately 15,000 linear feet of 12" water main line from west of NW 40th Street to east of NW Fort Sill Blvd on NW Cache Road. These segments, being over 50 years old, are failing and require replacement. This project also includes the design and construction of an ADA compliant pedestrian bridge over Cache Creek on the south side of Cache Road which will incorporate the new water line on the underside of the bridge. The Engineers estimated cost for design and construction is $25,000,000. for the 12" and 36" waterline replacement project. The Lawton Water Authority authorized application thru Oklahoma Department of Environmental for funding from Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (DWSRF) in the amount not to exceed $28,000,000 for the construction replacement of approximately 9000 of 36" (PU 2202) and approximately 15,000 of 12" (PU2203) water line projects. The Loan Application was approved by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) on December 7, 2022. Permit (WL00016220806) to construct the 36" waterline has been issued by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ). On December 13, 2022, Council approved plans and specifications for the Cache Road Waterline Replacement Projects PU2202 and PU2203 and authorizing staff to advertise for bids. Bids were received on Februa...

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