Consider approving task order 2.1 under the Master Services Retainer Agreement between the City of Lawton and WSB, Inc., to perform a traffic study on Gore Boulevard (east- and west-bound), coordinate proposed changes with the Electronics Maintenance Division and provide recommendations to the traffic commission.
INITIATOR: Michael Watrous, Public Works Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Michael Watrous, Public Works Director
BACKGROUND: Due to citizen complaints, City Council requested that city staff look into performing a study on Gore Boulevard to optimize traffic signal timing and maximize traffic flow. This agenda item is to meet this direction. The study will begin once traffic is back to normal on the overpass across I-44 to not affect the study with temporary traffic issues, but to occur while LPS schools are in session.
EXHIBIT: Task Order 2.1, Scope for Lawton Traffic Signal Optimization and Implementation, Cost Estimate
FUNDING SOURCE: 4400000-54130, Balance $250,730.00, Remaining: $0.00
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve task order 2.1 in the amount of $250,730