Consider approving staff to close and demolish the M42-5 bridge in the alley between SW I Avenue and SW J Avenue, and between SW 8th street and SW 9th street.
INITIATOR: Michael Watrous, Public Works Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Michael Jones, Interim Engineering Director
BACKGROUND: The Engineering Department is currently following through on plans to demolish and remove a vehicular bridge structure over Numu Creek in the alley between SW 8th Street and SW 9th Street, and between SW I Avenue and SW J Avenue. This bridge is currently rated as structurally deficient and is unsuitable for future rehab or replacement. Temporary traffic control measures are currently in place to prohibit vehicular traffic from accessing the bridge. Demolition will be completed with in-house personnel in the Public Works Department after utilities have relocated their infrastructure.
The bridge was constructed in 1920 and sees an average daily traffic count of 5, according to the National Bridge Inventory. This bridge is currently listed in “poor” condition. With a low traffic count, poor condition and adequate alternative routes, it is not financially feasible to direct funding towards the bridge.
EXHIBIT: Map Location
KEY ISSUES: Streets and Bridges Committee approved this request on 11 February, 2025.
FUNDING SOURCE: Streets and Traffic Control Repair and Maintenance Account 1005502-51020, Current Balance $2,322,680, Estimated cost $1,000.
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve staff to close and demolish the M42-5 bridge in the alley between SW I Avenue and SW J Avenue, and between SW 8th street and SW 9th street.