Consider a request to pay a fee in lieu of onsite stormwater detention for the residence located at 4975 SE 60th Street in the amount of $383.80
INITIATOR: Public Works Director, Michael Watrous
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Public Works Director, Michael Watrous
BACKGROUND: A request for payment of a fee in lieu of stormwater detention for the building permit at 4975 SE 60th Street was received from the property owner. Lawton City Code 19A-1-2-124 (4) states “The development is a one- or two- family residential unit on unplatted land and the owner dedicates the same easements required for platting and if the requirements of subsection E. of section 19A-1-2-123 are met”. The structure being constructed on this tract satisfies this criterion as a residential unit at 3838 square feet of impervious surface and it is recommended to approve the requested fee in lieu of onsite detention. The drainage fee in-lieu will be $383.80 based on the calculation from City Code Appendix A-19A-1.
EXHIBIT: Request, Plan, Survey, Site Review, Memorandums
KEY ISSUES: Proving efficiency and open business practices by allowing payment of a fee in lieu of building on-site stormwater detention. The fee in lieu of detention is applied to construction and maintenance of flood reduction structures and drainage structures to increase community safety.
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve a request to pay a fee in lieu of onsite stormwater detention for the residence located at 4975 SE 60th Street in the amount of $383.80