Consider holding a public hearing and approving an Ordinance pertaining to Planning and Zoning amending Sections 18-5-8-580 and 18-5-9-591, Division 18-5-8, Article 18-5, Chapter 18, Lawton City Code, 2015 by allowing P-F Public Facilities permitted uses within a C-1 Local Commercial District and within a C-2 Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center District, providing for severability, establishing an effective date and allowing for floor amendments if necessary.
INITIATOR: Christine James, Planning Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Christine James, Planning Director
BACKGROUND: Over the last few months, Planning has received two different inquiries regarding whether a school is allowed within a commercial and/or industrial zoning district. As Code currently reads, "schools, elementary, secondary or vocational" are permitted uses within a P-F Public Facilities zoning district, but are not allowed within C-1 Local Commercial District or C-2 Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center District. C-1 does allow for accumulative zoning and allows any uses permitted in an R-4 Residential District, but not P-F. Staff feels that P-F uses such as schools, auditoriums, and post offices, should be allowed within commercial districts and therefore would also be allowed within industrial districts, I-1, I-2, and I-3. This ordinance would allow for all listed P-F permitted uses, to also be permitted uses within C-1 and C-2 zoning districts.
The Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Lawton Constitution on October 27, 2024.
The City Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 14, 2024, and recommended approval of this ordinance 8-0.
EXHIBIT: 18-5-7-571 Uses Permitted within P-F Public Facilities
18-5-8-580 Uses Permitted within C-1 Local Commercial
18-5-9-591 Uses Permitted within C-2 Planned Neighborhood Shopping Center
Ordinance 24-______
Notice ...
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