Consider accepting a permanent utility easement from Keegan and Mary Ledford for property located at SW 69th Street and Gore Boulevard, for the Gore Boulevard Reconstruction Project # EN1208, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document, and payment for the same.
INITIATOR: Mike Jones, Interim Director of Engineering
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Mike Jones, Interim Director of Engineering
Cindy Augustine, Real Property Coordinator
BACKGROUND: A permanent utility easement was required for the Gore Boulevard Reconstruction Project # EN1208. After negotiations with the property owner, compensation for the easement at 69th Street and Gore Boulevard to Keegan and Mary Ledford is $2,800.
EXHIBIT: Easement Document
FUNDING SOURCE: Project Account EN1208-Reconstruct W Gore 67-82
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Accept a permanent utility easement from Keegan and Mary Ledford for property located at SW 69th Street and Gore Boulevard, for the Gore Boulevard Reconstruction Project # EN1208, authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document, and payment for the same.