Consider a professional services agreement with FORVIS MAZARS, LLP (FORVIS) for the City’s annual auditing services for FY 2023-2024, including the City’s required single audit of expenditures from federal financial awards.
INITIATOR: Rebecca Johnson, Finance Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Rebecca Johnson, Finance Director
BACKGROUND: FORVIS will provide the financial audit, single audit, state auditor and inspector form, and landfill agreed-upon procedures as a part of their contracted services. FORVIS is familiar with the City’s policies and procedures and, they have diligently worked at completing two fiscal year audits for us in this past calendar year which was challenging at best. Finance recommends that the City utilize FORVIS for an additional year to complete this catch up process. The negotiated fee for the FY 2023-2024 audit is $193,000.00.
EXHIBIT: Professional Services Contract
FUNDING SOURCE: 1002501-52025
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the professional services agreement with FORVIS for auditing services and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute FORVIS’s engagement letter.