Waive the requirements of Council Policy 10-5 and consider adopting a resolution authorizing traffic control measures with the installation of a speed table on NE Lake Ave at or near NE Bell Ave.
INITIATOR: George Gill, Ward 4 Council Member
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Michael Watrous, Public Works Director
BACKGROUND: This request is for a speed table installation for Ward 4. Per City of Lawton Neighborhood Traffic Calming Policy 10-5, each Ward is allotted two speed table installations per year using general funds, and up to two additional requests using ward funds. A recent amendment to Council Policy 10-5 requires these requests to go to the Streets, Bridges, Building and Development Committee for consideration before going to Council, and notice to be given to all citizens within 300 feet of the proposed location 30 days prior to the committee hearing. As this request was made prior to the amendment to Council Policy 10-5, staff requests that the requirements of Council Policy 10-5 be waived. Notifications to citizens within 300 feet were sent on 12 February via certified mail.
EXHIBIT: Resolution 25-___, Location Map
KEY ISSUES: Modular speed table is to be installed per Council Policy 10-5.
FUNDING SOURCE: 1005502 51020 Streets Division, Repair and Maintenance. Current balance 2,326,029.70. Estimated costs to this account: $7,122.00
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Waive the requirements of Council Policy 10-5 and consider adopting a resolution authorizing traffic control measures with the installation of a speed table on NE Lake Ave at or near NE Bell Ave.