Receive a presentation on a conceptual plan and, contingent upon Council approving a Resolution of Reimbursement, consider approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract PR2308 Elmer Thomas Park Amphitheater and Boardwalk Project with C.H. Guernsey for the design services on this project.
INITIATOR: Mike Jones, Interim Director of Engineering
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Mike Jones, Interim Director of Engineering
BACKGROUND: On August 8, 2023 Council approved the request to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the design and build of an amphitheater at Elmer Thomas Park. The initiative driving the build of the amphitheater was to add quality of life for Lawton citizens, demonstrate that we are open for business to the performing arts industry and provide a safe venue for people to participate in various events.
On February 13, 2024 Council approved a Professional Services Contract in the amount of $48,700 with C.H. Guernsey & Company for the initial services schematic design report of the project PR2308 Elmer Thomas Park Amphitheater and Lake Helen Boardwalk. The scope of services included a Schematic Design Report for a new amphitheater adjacent to the playground with a covered stage area and boardwalk along the south shore of Lake Helen.
Guernsey is here to present a conceptual plan to get approval and start design services.
Amendment No. 1 includes services to accept conceptual plans and start design services. The Amendment No.1 to the contract is $2,155,174.
EXHIBIT: Amendment No. 1- PR2308 Elmer Thomas Park Amphitheater and Boardwalk
FUNDING SOURCE: General Funds - Reimbursement Resolution
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Receive a presentation and consider approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract PR2308 Elmer Thomas Park Amphitheater and Boardwalk Project with C.H. Guernsey for the design services on this project.