Consider approval of Final Change Order and Final Payment Application to T&G Construction on Project PW2304 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project "B" and thereby accepting the project and placing maintenance bond into effect.
INITIATOR: Public Works Director, Michael Watrous
INFORMATION SOURCE: Program Manager, Chris Serrano
BACKGROUND: On January 23, 2024, the City Council approved the plans and specifications for the Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project (PW2304) and authorized staff and WSB to solicit bids. The project involved rehabilitating fifteen (15) asphalt and concrete roadway segments, including SW G St, SW 45th St, East Gore Blvd, SW C St, SW 6th St, NW 26th St, SW E St, SW 11th St, and alternate segments NW Ferris Ave and NW Lincoln Ave. Work included structural deep patching, milling and overlay, traffic striping, and other specified improvements. Following a competitive bidding process, three (3) bids were received and reviewed. T&G Construction of Lawton, Oklahoma, was the lowest responsive bidder and was awarded the contract for $5,102,219.01.
This final change order adjusts contract quantities and costs for Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project "B" (PW2304), reducing the final contract value by $1,109,008.73 (21.7%), bringing the total to $3,993,210.28. The contractor completed all work two (2) days ahead of schedule, initiating the maintenance bond period. T&G Construction has submitted all required closeout documents, including the Maintenance Bond, Payment Certificate, Contractor's Release, and Subcontractor's Waiver and Release of Lien, which are on file with the City Clerk.
EXHIBIT: (1) Final Change Order No. 1; (2) The Final Pay Application releasing any applicable retainage; (3) Summary of Test Results; (4) Contractor's Release to the City waiver; (5) Payment Certificate; (6) Subcontractor's Release Waiver.
FUNDING SOURCE: Streets and Traffic Control Repair and Maintena...
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