Pursuant to Section 307B.4, Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes, consider convening in executive session to discuss a pending action with Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality concerning a Notice of Violation issued by ODEQ to the City on November 15, 2024, in relation to the City of Lawton Wastewater Treatment Facility, NOV No. S-11303-24-3, and, if necessary, take appropriate action in open session.
INITIATOR: John Ratliff, City Manager
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: John Andrew, City Attorney; John Ratliff, City Manager; Rusty Whisenhunt, Public Utilities Director
BACKGROUND: The City Attorney desires to discuss with the Mayor and Council a pending action with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality concerning a Notice of Violation issued by ODEQ to the City on November 15, 2024, in relation to the City of Lawton Wastewater Treatment Facility, NOV No. S-11303-24-3. The City Attorney advises the City Council that the Council should determine that disclosure of confidential communications between the Council and the City Attorney regarding the above reference action will seriously impair the ability of the City to protect the City’s interest, and from that determination, the Council should convene in executive session to discuss this matter.
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Convene in executive session to discuss a pending action with Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality concerning a Notice of Violation issued by ODEQ to the City on November 15, 2024, in relation to the City of Lawton Wastewater Treatment Facility, NOV No. S-11303-24-3, and, if necessary, take appropriate action in open session.