Consider and take action approving Amendment No. 10 to the Master Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $24,058 for Professional Engineering Services to update Lawton's Risk and Resiliency Assessment of water system infrastructure and update the existing Emergency Response Plan.
INITIATOR: Rusty Whisenhunt, Director of Public Utilities
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Rusty Whisenhunt, Director of Public Utilities
BACKGROUND: On June 27, 2023, City Council approved the Master Service Agreement with Garver, LLC. Amendment No. 10 includes services to update the Risk and Resiliency Assessment and Emergency response Plan.
The City of Lawton (Owner) is conducting a five-year update to their existing Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) of the water system infrastructure to remain in compliance with America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) ?2013. Garver will perform the review and update to the RRA and review and update the existing Emergency Response Plan (ERP) to incorporate any applicable changes from the updated RRA.
This project is in line with our pursuit of excellence in maintaining a safe community for the citizen as put forth in the True North Culture Statement.
EXHIBIT: Amendment No. 10, Exhibit A - Scope of Services, Exhibit B - Fee Schedule
KEY ISSUES: Does City Council wish to approve Amendment No. 10 to the Master Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $24,058 for Professional Engineering Services to update Lawton's Risk and Resiliency Assessment and Emergency Response Plan?
FUNDING SOURCE: SSC Division Professional Services Account: 7106501-52025, Garver Base MSA Purchase Order: $95,670.56 (current open amount of PO) - $24,058 (cost of this amendment) = $71,612.56 (amount remaining in Base MSA PO)
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve Amendment No. 10 to the Master Services Agreement with Garver, LLC, in the amount not to exceed $24,058 for Professional E...
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