Consider accepting the record drawings and maintenance bond for the offsite improvements modifying the traffic control system and adding a left turn lane on NW Sheridan Road, just south of NW Lake Ave, to serve the Braum’s property located at 151 NW Sheridan and take appropriate action as deemed necessary.
INITIATOR: Christine James, Planning Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Kameron Good, Senior Planner
BACKGROUND: The proposed business is Braum’s and the consulting engineer is Tanner Consulting, LLC. The traffic signals located on NW Sheridan Road just south of NW Lake Ave. This modified the intersection from a three-way signal to a four-way signal. This will allow direct access to Braum’s parking lot off of NW Sheridan Road.
A third-party Traffic Engineer reviewed the plans on behalf of the City. B.J. Hawkins, P.E. with Traffic Engineering Consultants, Inc reviewed the plans prior to construction.
Construction plans were approved by City Council July 9, 2024.
City Engineering has inspected and approved the offsite turn lane and traffic signal.
The maintenance bond is in the amount of $36,278.74.
This item went to the City Planning Commission on November 14, 2024. The CPC made a recommendation to approve with an 8-0 vote with the condition that the effective date on the maintenance bond be corrected to the date of Council acceptance. This has been corrected.
EXHIBIT: Braum’s Construction Plans Stamped as Record Drawings by Engineer
Letter of Certification by Engineer
Maintenance Bond
CPC Minutes November 14, 2024
CPC RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the record drawings and maintenance bond for the offsite improvements modifying the traffic control system and adding a left turn lane on NW Sheridan Road, just south of NW Lake Ave, to serve the Braum’s property located at 151 NW Sheridan Road.