Consider repealing or re-affirming Resolution 24-094 to allow the new property owner of property located at 1816 NW Arlington Avenue to obtain a building permit to remodel the single-family residence that was declared dilapidated by City Council on April 23, 2024, and take action as necessary.
INITIATOR: Charlotte Brown, Community Services Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Jonathan Jernigan, Neighborhood Services Supervisor
BACKGROUND: The property located at 1816 NW Arlington Avenue was declared dilapidated on April 23, 2024, by approval of Resolution No 24-175. The resolution gives 30 business days for the property owners to obtain a building permit to remodel. The 30 business days ended on June 13, 2024. A permit was applied for on June 25, 2024. On July 1, 2024, they were contacted about needing a revised floor plan. The property owner did not supply the floor plan. After 180 days in the permit system with no response, the permit is considered cancelled. The permit was cancelled on December 26, 2024. The City put the property out to bid on January 10, 2025, an Award Letter was to be issued to the contractor on January 29, 2025 and staff was notified by a gentleman that he was in the process of purchasing the property and would like to remodel.
Per the approved Resolution, Staff can only issue a remodel permit for 30 business days to the property owner. That time has elapsed. At this time, the only thing that staff can do is to proceed with the demolition of the structure.
EXHIBIT: Resolution No. 24-094
Original Pictures
Pictures taken on February 28, 2025
KEY ISSUES: Does Council want to rescind the resolution and allow a building permit?
FUNDING SOURCE: CIP Propel Demo funds is property is demolished
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Re-affirm Resolution No. 24-094 and allow the new property owner time to obtain a building permit to remodel the property located at 1816 NW Arlington Avenue.