Consider adopting a resolution authorizing traffic control measures with the removal of the left turn lane only on SW 6th street at Lee Blvd, changing the southbound and northbound intersections to be a left turn or straight through lane.
INITIATOR: Michael Watrous, Director of Public Works
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Michael Watrous, Director of Public Works
BACKGROUND: A request was received by the City Manager to look into this intersection to see what could be done to it. A traffic study was performed by WSB and determined that the above-requested changes could be performed with no effects to safety. The signs marking a left turn only lane will be removed, the lane striping will be removed, and lights will be reprogrammed for the intersection, if approved.
EXHIBIT: Traffic Engineer Report, Map of Location, Draft Resolution
FUNDING SOURCE: Streets and Traffic Control Division Maintenance and Repair Account (1005502 51020) Current Balance: $3,690,107.66 - Estimated Cost $1500.
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve a resolution authorizing traffic control measures with the removal of the left turn lane only on SW 6th street at Lee Blvd, changing the southbound and northbound intersections to be a left turn or straight through lane.