Consider and take action in awarding a contract in the amount of $4,385,354.00 to Mach Energy Services, LLC, for the construction of Map 53 Waterline Replacement Project PU2404 to rehabilitate high maintenance waterlines.
INITIATOR: Rusty Whisenhunt, Public Utilities Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Rusty Whisenhunt, Public Utilities Director
BACKGROUND: On March 28, 2023, City Council was given a presentation on Public Utilities' Water and Wastewater system conditions and a plan of improvements with a means of funding the improvements. On June 27, 2023, City Council approved the Master Service Agreement with Garver, LLC. On October 10, 2023, City Council approved Amendment No. 2 to the MSA which includes scope of services and fee for services defined in Work Package # 2. Work package #2 includes design and bidding services as well as project management, kickoff, and coordination for water line rehabilitation and replacement services on Maps 46, 53, and 58. Estimated footage of waterline to be replaced in Map 53 is 11,500 ft. Map 53 includes the area east of SE 45th St. to SE 60th St., south of Lee Blvd. to Bishop Rd. City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized advertisement on October 8, 2024.
The project advertised in the local newspaper on January 8th, 2025, and January 15, 2025. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference was held on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, at 10:00 am in the Public Utilities Conference Room.
A Bid open was publicly held at City Hall on February 11th, 2025, at 2 pm. A total of four (4) bids were received.
** Mach Energy Services, LLC, wrote in a total bid amount of $4,388,479.00 however the total summation of items in the bid schedule is $4,385,354.00.
After reviewing the bid documents, it is recommended to award the project to Mach Energy Services, LLC, who submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid for the project. Garver, LLC, recommends awarding the contract to Mach Energy S...
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