Consider a proposal to develop mountain bike and BMX trails utilizing community volunteers and donations, and direct staff as necessary.
INITIATOR: Larry Parks, Parks and Recreation Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Larry Parks, Parks and Recreation Director
BACKGROUND: Dustin Upton, a Lawton native and owner of Lawton Home Repairs, reached out to Parks and Recreation on August 28th to inquire about the possibility of developing some trails and features within city limits for mountain bike/BMX usage. Mr. Upton pointed out the lack of such amenities and volunteered time and material to the cause of developing trails. Parks and Rec staff love the idea and would like to see it happen! We decided to investigate potential areas that these trails could be built. Three areas have been investigated for the possibility of developing trails. These include the area near the current skate park in McMahon Park, the area just east of the dog park, and Terrace Hills Park.
EXHIBIT: Mt Bike Trails Slide Deck
KEY ISSUES: Does council wish to approve development of Mt. Bike/BMX trails?
FUNDING SOURCE: Click or tap here to enter text.
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Consider a proposal to develop mountain bike and BMX trails utilizing community volunteers and donations, and direct staff as necessary.