Consider approving an Ordinance pertaining to Businesses, by repealing and reserving Section 7-3-1-301 through Section 7-3-1-317, Division 7-3-1, Article 7-3, Chapter 7, Lawton City Code, 2015; providing for severability and establishing an effective date.
INITIATOR: Charlotte Brown, Community Services Director
STAFF INFORMATION SOURCE: Charlotte Brown, Community Services Director
BACKGROUND: In an effort to modernize Chapter 7 of Lawton City Code, staff has been reviewing it and has determined that Division 7-3-1, which governs Airports, Heliports and Helistops, has not been enforced. This Division actually requires business licenses for Airports, Heliports, and Helistops. It is Staff’s recommendation to repeal and reserve the entire Division.
EXHIBIT: Ord. 25-_____
Ord. 25-______ CLEAN
KEY ISSUES: Does Council wish to repeal and reserve this Division?
STAFF RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approve Ordinance No. 25-______, waive the reading of the ordinance and read the title only.